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<!--㉜【ラジオ・NHK】代表・宇土のカシミヤの故郷でうぶ毛梳き体験-->[Radio/HK] Carding Experience at the Home of Cashmere in Udo, Japan

[Radio/HK] Carding Experience at the Home of Cashmere in Udo, Japan

  [Radio/HK] Carding Experience at the Home of Cashmere in Udo, Japan December 17, 2022, on Radio NHKZoologist Dr. Tadaaki Imaizumi explained about “combing of cashmere downy hair” and introduced t...

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<!--㉝【新聞・岩手日報】カシミヤ製品のアップサイクル-->[Newspaper, Iwate Nippo] Upcycling of cashmere products

[Newspaper, Iwate Nippo] Upcycling of cashmere products

  [Newspaper, Iwate Nippo] Upcycling of cashmere products 2022.12.15 Our efforts were featured in the Iwate Nippo newspaper.      

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<!--㉞【生活情報誌・ESSE】UTO「天使のストール」銀賞受賞-->[ESSE lifestyle magazine] UTO “Angel's Stole” awarded Silver Prize.

[ESSE lifestyle magazine] UTO “Angel's Stole” awarded Silver Prize.

  [ESSE lifestyle magazine] UTO “Angel's Stole” awarded Silver Prize. In the January issue of the lifestyle information magazine “ESSEThe “Furusato Grand Prix” is an annual contest for tax returns ...

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<!--㉟【新聞・岩手日日】工場でカシミヤづくり体験-->[Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Cashmere making experience at a factory

[Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Cashmere making experience at a factory

  [Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Cashmere making experience at a factory         Presented at Ichinoya, a ryotei restaurant in Omiya, Saitama, Japan.We received the following comments from the judg...

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<!--㊱中学校の教本「いきる かかわる そなえる」に掲載されました-->Featured in a junior high school textbook “Ikiru Kawaru Kawaru Sonaeru

Featured in a junior high school textbook “Ikiru Kawaru Kawaru Sonaeru

  Featured in a junior high school textbook “Ikiru Kawaru Kawaru Sonaeru UTO was featured in “Ikiru Kawaru Kawaru Sonaeru,” a supplementary textbook for junior high schools published by the Iwate P...

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<!--㊲【新聞・岩手日報/岩手日日】10年目。北上市役所へ東日本大震災への寄附をお届け-->Featured in a junior high school textbook “Ikiru Kawaru Kawaru Sonaeru

Featured in a junior high school textbook “Ikiru Kawaru Kawaru Sonaeru

  Newspaper, Iwate Nippo/Iwate Nichinichi] 10th year. Donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake Delivered to Kitakami City Hall April 25, 2022,President Uto, Iwate Plant Manager Tamazawa and Ya...

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<!--㊳北上市市政発展功労者特別表彰-->Kitakami City Special Recognition Award for Distinguished Service to the Development of City Government

Kitakami City Special Recognition Award for Distinguished Service to the Development of City Government

  Kitakami City Special Recognition Award for Distinguished Service to the Development of City Government   It was announced that Toshikazu Uto, President and CEO of Minebea, was selected to receiv...

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<!--㊴【新聞・岩手日報/岩手日日】9年目。北上市役所へ東日本大震災への寄附をお届け-->Newspaper, Iwate Nippo/Iwate Nichinichi] 9th year. Donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake Delivered to Kitakami City Hall

Newspaper, Iwate Nippo/Iwate Nichinichi] 9th year. Donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake Delivered to Kitakami City Hall

  Newspaper, Iwate Nippo/Iwate Nichinichi] 9th year. Donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake Delivered to Kitakami City Hall   As a corporate citizen of Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, Iwate...

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<!--㊵【雑誌・岩手経済研究所4月号】岩手県アパレルにおける産業と現状にUTO掲載-->Kitakami City Special Recognition Award for Distinguished Service to the Development of City Government

Kitakami City Special Recognition Award for Distinguished Service to the Development of City Government

  UTO is featured in the April issue of the Iwate Economic Research Institute magazine, “Industry and the Current State of Apparel in Iwate Prefecture   UTO was featured in the April issue of Iwate...

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<!--㊶【TV・がっちりマンデー(TBS)】UTO社長が「儲かる!畑違い社長」に出演-->UTO President Appears on “Profitable!

UTO President Appears on “Profitable!

  UTO President Appears on “Profitable!   Sunday, December 6, 2020 TBS 7:30~ Profitable! Appearing as a president of a different field. Everyone is gaping!Recorded at the Tokyo Aoyama Head Office a...

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<!--㊷【雑誌・岩手経済研究所4月号】岩手県アパレルにおける産業と現状にUTO掲載-->[Magazine] Iwate Economic Research Institute, Oct.

[Magazine] Iwate Economic Research Institute, Oct.

  [Magazine] Iwate Economic Research Institute, Oct   An article about our CEO, Mr. Udo, was published in the Management Salon.  

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<!--㊸【雑誌・集英社】育てていく「天使のストール」-->[Magazine, Shueisha] “Angel's Stole” to grow up

[Magazine, Shueisha] “Angel's Stole” to grow up

  [Magazine, Shueisha] “Angel's Stole” to grow up   It will be available in the 2020 AUTUMN-WINTER issue! Thank you very much for your understanding.  

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<!--㊹【雑誌】ことりっぷ「カシミヤキャップ」-->[Magazine] Kotorippu “Cashmere Cap

[Magazine] Kotorippu “Cashmere Cap

  [Magazine] Kotorippu “Cashmere Cap   Introduced in “KOTORIUP No. 26, 2020Autumn - A must-have item for fall and winter from a domestic factory brand.     Cute things in Japan that you want to us...

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<!--㊺【新聞・岩手日日】女性工場長・玉澤「女性活躍する社会へ」-->Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Female factory manager, Tamazawa: “Toward a society where women are active

Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Female factory manager, Tamazawa: “Toward a society where women are active

  Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Female factory manager, Tamazawa: “Toward a society where women are active   Iwate University Career Development's open seminar titled “Toward a Society of Active Wom...

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<!--㊻【新聞・岩手日日】マスクで広がる心の輪-->Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Circle of hearts expanding with masks

Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Circle of hearts expanding with masks

  Newspaper, Iwate Nichinichi] Circle of hearts expanding with masks   Iwate Prefecture with zero corona! UTO's cashmere factory in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, is in high spirits. They consult...

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<!--㊼【雑誌】月刊・事業構想 12月号-->[Magazine] Monthly Business Concept, December issue

[Magazine] Monthly Business Concept, December issue

  [Magazine] Monthly Business Concept, December issue   From Graduate School of Project Design:Creative Town AoyamaIntroduced as “UTO,” a company that delivers long-loved     The title of the arti...

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<!--㊽【雑誌】CLASSY. 11月号「ニットのお手入れ」-->[Magazine] CLASSY. November issue “Care of Knitwear”

[Magazine] CLASSY. November issue “Care of Knitwear”

  [Magazine] CLASSY. November issue “Care of Knitwear”   Classy November features knitwearNo more worries! How to take care of your precious knitwear! We cooperated in all aspects of the issue!   ...

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<!--㊾【新聞・岩手日報・岩手日日】東日本大震災の寄付支援-->[Newspaper, Iwate Nippo, Iwate Nichinichi] Donation support for the Great East Japan Earthquake

[Newspaper, Iwate Nippo, Iwate Nichinichi] Donation support for the Great East Japan Earthquake

  [Newspaper, Iwate Nippo, Iwate Nichinichi] Donation support for the Great East Japan Earthquake   On May 23, we handed over the donation (the 7th donation) for the victims of the Great East Japan...

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