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[Newspaper, Kahoku Nippo] High-grade cashmere, to be delivered to local communities

[Newspaper, Kahoku Nippo] High-grade cashmere, to be delivered to local communities On February 14, 2024, along with information about a sale being held for local Iwate residents, we also received ...

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<!--⑮【TV・フジテレビ『Live News』】 世界へ!岩手のカシミヤ 愛されるための次の一手-->Live News, Fuji Television Network, Inc! Iwate's Cashmere: The Next Step to be Loved

Live News, Fuji Television Network, Inc! Iwate's Cashmere: The Next Step to be Loved

Live News, Fuji Television Network, Inc! Iwate's Cashmere: The Next Step to be Loved UTO Cashmere's challenge to the world and "upcycling of knitwear (collecting and recycling unwanted cashmere kni...

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<!--⑯【Webメディア】わたしの決断ものがたり 掲載-->[Web Media] "My Decision-Making Stories" was published.

[Web Media] "My Decision-Making Stories" was published.

[Web Media] "My Decision-Making Stories" was published. Our president, Hisakazu Udo, was interviewed by "Watashi no Kettei Monogatari," a media outlet that accompanies people in their life decision...

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<!--⑰【新聞・河北新報】サヴィル・ロウの名店ハンツマンで販売へ 顧客は王室やハリウッドスターら-->[Newspaper, Kahoku Shimpo] To be sold at the famous Huntsman store on Saville Row, customers include royalty and Hollywood stars.

[Newspaper, Kahoku Shimpo] To be sold at the famous Huntsman store on Saville Row, customers include royalty and Hollywood stars.

[Newspaper, Kahoku Shimpo] To be sold at the famous Huntsman store on Saville Row, customers include royalty and Hollywood stars. The Kahoku Shimpo morning edition featured an article titled "Iwate...

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<!--⑱【TV・岩手めんこいテレビ】北上産のカシミヤニットを世界へ-->Iwate Menkoi TV] Cashmere Knitwear from Kitakami Goes Global

Iwate Menkoi TV] Cashmere Knitwear from Kitakami Goes Global

Iwate Menkoi TV] Cashmere Knitwear from Kitakami Goes Global Iwate Menkoi TV (Fuji TV affiliate) January 11, 2024 "mit Live News" on "Rising Dragon of Iwate"!UTO Cashmere was featured in "mit Live ...

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<!--⑲【新聞・読売新聞】岩手版 「英老舗が認めたニット」-->[Newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun] Iwate Edition "Knit approved by long-established British company"

[Newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun] Iwate Edition "Knit approved by long-established British company"

  [Newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun] Iwate Edition "Knit approved by long-established British company" The Yomiuri Shimbun Iwate Edition January 6, 2 The article "Knitwear approved by a long-established ...

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<!--⑳【Webメディア・ものづくり新聞】このカシミヤニットと、来年も冬を越したくなる。岩手県北上市にある小さな工場のあたたかなものづくり。-->[Newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun] Iwate Edition "Knit approved by long-established British company"

[Newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun] Iwate Edition "Knit approved by long-established British company"

  Web Media / Monozukuri Newspaper] With this cashmere knit, you will want to go through the winter again next year. Warm manufacturing at a small factory in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture. Here i...

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<!--㉑【Webメディア・OTEMOTO】洗濯機で洗っても縮まないカシミヤセーター。岩手県北上市でつくる高級ニットが世界に進出-->OTEMOTO Web Media] Cashmere Sweaters That Don't Shrink Even When Machine-Washed. Luxury Knitwear Made in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, Makes Its Way Around the World

OTEMOTO Web Media] Cashmere Sweaters That Don't Shrink Even When Machine-Washed. Luxury Knitwear Made in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, Makes Its Way Around the World

  OTEMOTO Web Media] Cashmere Sweaters That Don't Shrink Even When Machine-Washed. Luxury Knitwear Made in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, Makes Its Way Around the World Information about appearan...

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<!--㉒【Webメディア・Re rise News】世界一のカシミヤニットへの挑戦~UTO代表 宇土-->Web media, Re rise News] The Challenge to Create the World's Best Cashmere Knit - UTO Representative Uto

Web media, Re rise News] The Challenge to Create the World's Best Cashmere Knit - UTO Representative Uto

Web media, Re rise News] The Challenge to Create the World's Best Cashmere Knit - UTO Representative Uto Information on web media appearances.UTO President Udo was featured in "Re-rise News" on Dec...

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<!--㉓【TV・岩手朝日】英国「ハンツマン」で日本初の取扱い決定を特集-->TV, Iwate Asahi] First handling decision in Japan featured in the UK's "Huntsman".

TV, Iwate Asahi] First handling decision in Japan featured in the UK's "Huntsman".

  TV, Iwate Asahi] First handling decision in Japan featured in the UK's "Huntsman". Here is the information about our TV appearances.On November 30, 2023, "Iwate Asahi Television's Super J Channel...

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<!--㉔【新聞・岩手日報】県産カシミヤ製品 世界へ-->TV, Iwate Asahi] First handling decision in Japan featured in the UK's "Huntsman".

TV, Iwate Asahi] First handling decision in Japan featured in the UK's "Huntsman".

  The Iwate Nippo] Cashmere Products Produced in Iwate Prefecture to the World November 3, 2023 "Iwate Nippo" featured a front-page article about the first Japanese cashmere knitwear brand to be so...

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<!--㉕【雑誌・GISELe】「ニットの専門家」としてニットの洗い方・保管方法をお伝え-->[GISELe Magazine] "Knit Expert" tells how to wash and store knitwear.

[GISELe Magazine] "Knit Expert" tells how to wash and store knitwear.

  [GISELe Magazine] "Knit Expert" tells how to wash and store knitwear. October 27, 2023, our president, Mr. Udo, was featured in "GISELE" (published by Shufunotomo Co., Ltd.) as a "Knit Expert".Th...

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<!--㉖【新聞・岩手日報】冬に続き、地元への恩返し。UTO工場販売会のご案内-->[GISELe Magazine] "Knit Expert" tells how to wash and store knitwear.

[GISELe Magazine] "Knit Expert" tells how to wash and store knitwear.

  [Newspaper, Iwate Nippo] Following Winter, Giving Back to the Local Community; UTO Factory Sales Event The "Iwate Nippo" on August 25, 2023 featured our "Factory Sales Event" to be held in the ho...

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<!--㉗【新聞・岩手日報/岩手日日】11年目。北上市役所へ東日本大震災への寄附をお届け-->Newspaper, Iwate Nippo/Iwate Nichinichi] 11th year. Donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake Delivered to Kitakami City Hall

Newspaper, Iwate Nippo/Iwate Nichinichi] 11th year. Donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake Delivered to Kitakami City Hall

  Newspaper, Iwate Nippo/Iwate Nichinichi] 11th year. Donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake Delivered to Kitakami City Hall April 14, 2024,We visited Kitakami City Hall and successfully del...

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<!--㉘【TV・IBC岩手】UTOの歴史・岩手職人を特集-->TV/IBC Iwate] Featuring UTO History and Iwate Craftsmen

TV/IBC Iwate] Featuring UTO History and Iwate Craftsmen

  TV/IBC Iwate] Featuring UTO History and Iwate Craftsmen Here is information about our TV appearances.Feb. 16, 2023, “IBC Iwate” featured “History of UTO and Iwate Craftsmen” for about 9 minutes.Y...

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<!--㉙【新聞・岩手日報】地元への恩返し。UTO工場販売会のご案内-->The Iwate Nippo Newspaper] Giving Back to the Local Community; UTO Factory Sales Event

The Iwate Nippo Newspaper] Giving Back to the Local Community; UTO Factory Sales Event

  The Iwate Nippo Newspaper] Giving Back to the Local Community; UTO Factory Sales Event The “Iwate Nippo” on January 28, 2023 featured our “Factory Sales Event,” which will be held for the first t...

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<!--㉚【新聞・読売新聞】カシミヤのお手入れ-->[Newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun] Caring for Cashmere

[Newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun] Caring for Cashmere

  [Newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun] Caring for Cashmere Dec. 27, 2022 “The Yomiuri Shimbun” reported and published an article on “How to care and wash cashmere”.The article is also available on the foll...

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<!--㉛【TV・テレビ岩手】UTOカシミヤ工場を生中継-->[TV/TV Iwate] Live Broadcast of UTO Cashmere Factory

[TV/TV Iwate] Live Broadcast of UTO Cashmere Factory

  [TV/TV Iwate] Live Broadcast of UTO Cashmere Factory TV Appearance InformationUTO Cashmere Factory” was featured in a live broadcast on TV Iwate.Appearance informationBroadcast: TV Iwate (Nippon ...

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