Angel's Stole The story of the birth of angel cashmere

Angel's Stole
The story of the birth of angel cashmere
Almost everyone who has picked up an "Angel Stole" has commented on how soft it is and how comfortable it is. It feels so good! It is a series that we are proud of at UTO.
I am proud to say that only cashmere, or even cashmere, has such a great texture.
I first tried this angel around 1994. I made many prototypes of this product, thinking of making cashmere my life's work and creating something that could only be made of cashmere.
The person who made it was a craftsman named Shozo Uchida.
Mr. Uchida is one of the most outstanding knitters I have ever met and I respect him as a master of knitwear.
He is a treasure of the UTO who carefully crafts 12-gauge sweaters of fine knitted fabrics with advanced techniques, which few people in Japan knit anymore.
The Angel series is quite wickedly difficult to knit because it is made by hanging thin yarn on thick needles.
When knitting this angel stole, if the pull is a little strong, the thread will break immediately. Also, the hand weaving machine uses an appropriate weight to pull while knitting, but because the knitted fabric is so delicate, it is almost impossible to put a weight on it.
Therefore, we knit with the utmost care.
If the yarn is made of strong synthetic fiber, cotton, or carded wool, which is resistant to tension, it can be knitted on an automatic machine, and it would not be so difficult even for complicated knitted fabrics.
At this time, we asked the customers to try various cashmere yarns to see which manufacturer's cashmere yarns would suit their needs. One British company, two Italian companies, one Chinese company, and three Japanese companies. These are the world's top-class yarns. When I decided to make cashmere my life's work, I decided to choose the yarn that Mr. Uchida recommended, so I was very serious about it. At that time, he said, "This yarn is good," and it was a yarn made by Toyobo Yarn Co. We have been useing the same yarn ever since.
Unlike the mass production of efficient, UTO's sweaters are "sweaters made for you" with our longtime experience and technology. Unfortunately, it was also the most expensive yarn.
I have been wearing this angel scarf, which is unisex, around my neck for seven seasons now. It is getting quite tired, but the softness against my neck is irresistible.
I am doubly happy to receive repeat orders from customers who have actually worn the scarf and have recognized its quality, saying, "It feels so light and comfortable that it feels as if I am not wearing it.
Please treat them gently because they are such delicate products.
Tenshi no Stole" is a registered trademark of UTO Co.