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[A story about making cashmere knitwear] Programming




[A story about making cashmere knitwear] Programming

Creating a blueprint for each individual

Knitting is roughly divided into the following processes: knitting, linking (sewing), shrinking (texturing), drying (natural drying), and finishing. Most of the knit-making process is done by hand, but only the knitting is done by the latest machines. Programming is essential to operate the machine. However, since UTО Cashmere is made to order, the programming must be changed each time there is a change.

For example, let's say you have a request to shorten the sleeve length by 5 cm. It would be easy if you just cut the fabric by 5 cm, but in the case of UTО, you have to create a program for sleeves that are 5 cm shorter and knit them with that program. Some people may ask, "I can understand that there is an additional charge for lengthening the sleeves because of the cost of yarn, but why shorten the sleeves when the cost of yarn should be less?" But there is a bigger hurdle to overcome than the cost of the yarn: the programming.

The programmers have to work very hard to create the programming for each customer's instructions. I think the biggest hurdle that prevents other companies from placing orders is that they cannot knit in large quantities because they have to program and knit each piece individually.



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