[Book] “On-site” of Local Industry (by Mitsuhiro Seki) Published in
[Book] “On-site” of Local Industry (by Mitsuhiro Seki) Published in
Going to the “Frontlines” of Local Industry
By Mitsuhiro Seki (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Meisei University; Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University)
Published August 1 by Shin-Hyoron
30 Stories of Pride, Hope, and Courage Vol. 8 Beyond “Regional Extinction
UTO was introduced in the article “Episode 226.

The textile industry is in an era of extinction, with production moving overseas,
In the age of the disappearance of the textile industry, the production and sales of cashmere are moving overseas,
Our new business model of “making while selling and selling while making” has been highly evaluated.
In the age of the disappearance of the textile industry, the production and sales of cashmere are moving overseas,
Our new business model of “making while selling and selling while making” has been highly evaluated.

There is a guy working hard in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture!
We are grateful to Dr. Seki for telling us that there is a guy in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, who is working hard!
We are also grateful to the city of Kitakami for giving us the opportunity to do this interview!