[Radio/HK] Carding Experience at the Home of Cashmere in Udo, Japan
[Radio/HK] Carding Experience at the Home of Cashmere in Udo, Japan
December 17, 2022, on Radio NHK
Zoologist Dr. Tadaaki Imaizumi explained about “combing of cashmere downy hair” and introduced that our CEO, Mr. Uto visited Inner Mongolia, where cashmere is produced, to experience “downy hair carding” and confirmed the good relationship between human beings and cashmere.
As a reference material, we provided NHK with information about our company and a sample of cashmere downy hair.
Appearance information
Broadcast: NHK Radio
Corner: Myasa! Rajiru Rajiru
Click here to watch “Representative Udo's Visit to the Home Town of Cashmere” >>