


[Newspaper, Kahoku Shimpo] To be sold at the famous Huntsman store on Saville Row, customers include royalty and Hollywood stars.

[Newspaper, Kahoku Shimpo] To be sold at the famous Huntsman store on Saville Row, customers include royalty and Hollywood stars.

The Kahoku Shimpo morning edition featured an article titled "Iwate Kitakami Knitwear" approved by a long-established British knitwear company! The article was introduced in the morning edition of the Kahoku Shimpo newspaper, titled "Made in Iwate/Kitakami Knitwear" was recognized by a famous store in Saville Row, Huntsman, and its customers include royal families and Hollywood stars.

The following article is also reprinted in Yahoo!





<!--⑱【TV・岩手めんこいテレビ】北上産のカシミヤニットを世界へ-->Iwate Menkoi TV] Cashmere Knitwear from Kitakami Goes Global

Iwate Menkoi TV] Cashmere Knitwear from Kitakami Goes Global

Iwate Menkoi TV] Cashmere Knitwear from Kitakami Goes Global Iwate Menkoi TV (Fuji TV affiliate) January 11, 2024 "mit Live News" on "Rising Dragon of Iwate"!UTO Cashmere was featured in "mit Live ...

<!--⑯【Webメディア】わたしの決断ものがたり 掲載-->[Web Media] "My Decision-Making Stories" was published.

[Web Media] "My Decision-Making Stories" was published.

[Web Media] "My Decision-Making Stories" was published. Our president, Hisakazu Udo, was interviewed by "Watashi no Kettei Monogatari," a media outlet that accompanies people in their life decision...
